Oracle BI Publisher FAQs
What is the meaning of bursting? Is it a Mandatory Option In Xmlp?
Bursting is just like Group by clause in SQL. It’s optional in XMLP.
How to write a loop in RTF template design?
……………………..<?end for each?>
What are the advantages Of Xmlp over other Reporting Tools?
XMLP has different data sources to get the data.
In XMLP, we can easily design output templates through MS Word.
We can easily maintain security in XMLP
Does the Xml publisher have the ability to use the switching feature Of multi-language data entry?
Because XML Publisher uses managed object functionality, you do not have the ability to use the switching feature of multi-language data entry. You can populate related language tables by logging in and establishing a different session language. The related language table for that session can then be populated.
How to call a header or footer?
Using this tag <?call:header?> and <?call:footer?>
We have to use the header section and footer section of the page.
What are the formats supported by XML publishers?
It can generate reports in many formats (PDF, RTF, Excel, HTML, and so on) in many languages.
How to use section break?
<?for-each@section:G_CUSTOMER(This is group name)?>
How to create multi layouts in XMLP?
Using the below conditions
Your template….
<?end when?>
Your template….
<?end when?>
Your template….
<?end when?>
<?end choose?>
How can you check the format of the XML output file?
You can check the format of an XML output file by opening it using Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE). IE opens the file and alerts you to any problems, such as unclosed tags.
What Is E-text?
An E-Text template is an RTF-based template that is used to generate text output for Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). At runtime, BI Publisher applies this template to an input XML data file to create an output text file that can be transmitted to a bank or other customer.