Working with Redwood Simple Create and Edit Page Template in Oracle Visual Builder
This article illustrates how to implement the create functionality using the Simple Create and Edit Page Template within Oracle Visual Builder.
In a previous article, we showcased a Redwood welcome template for displaying employee details in a table format. Building on that, this article guides you through implementing create functionality using a sample Create and Edit page template.
- Develop a VB Application by entering the application name and choosing the Redwood Starter Template from the available options as shown in the following screenshot:
- When crafting a VB application utilizing the Redwood Starter Application template, it generates a ‘vbredwoodapp’ with the default flow set to ‘main’.
- Click on +icon beside the main and select Create Page as shown in the following screenshot. A dialog box will prompt us to input the page ID. Upon scrolling to the bottom, we’ll encounter the Simple Create and Edit Page Template. Select it and click on the Create button as shown in the following screenshot:
- Now click on main flow, switch to the settings tab, and change the default page from main-search to main-createedit as shown in the following screenshot:
- Now navigate to the main-createedit Page Designer tab, switch to Properties of the page, and add the Page Title as Create/Edit Employee, as shown in the following screenshot:
- Navigate to Properties, switch to the All tab, and search for ‘Primary’. Click on the arrow and enter ‘Create’ in the Primary Action label field to update the Primary Button Text from ‘Submit’ to ‘Create’, as shown in the screenshots below:
- By default, the Create and Edit template includes a dynamic form. To add fields to it, navigate to Properties and select the required form based on your operation, as shown in the following screenshot:
- When you click “Configure as Create Form,” a dialogue box will open prompting you to select the business object. Choose the appropriate business object and click the Next button, as depicted in the screenshot below.
- Enter a label, and the ID will be auto-populated accordingly. Click the arrow to select the necessary fields for creating an employee, then click the Finish button, as shown in the following screenshot:
- The form is now generated with action chains and variables necessary to perform create operations as shown in the following screenshot:
- Next, we must modify the primary action to “Create Employee Action.” In the Action Chains section, locate and select “spSaveChain,” then change `<id of the create/save action chain created by VB DT>` to `createEmployeesChain`, as demonstrated in the following screenshot:
- If there is no need to review the details on another page, we have completed the implementation at this point. However, since I have a table configured with employees and I want to review the new record after creation, I am adding a “Navigate to Page” action at the end of the success node of `createEmployeesChain`, as depicted in the following screenshot.
- When you run the application, you will see a screen with form fields where you can enter values and click on Create.
- Upon successful creation, it will navigate you to the Welcome page where you can review the details in the table, as depicted in the following screenshot.
This is how we implement the create functionality using the Simple Create and Edit Page Template within Oracle Visual Builder.
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Further Readings
Creating a search page using Oracle Visual Builder Redwood
Using Redwood General Overview Page Template in Oracle VBCS
Configuring Simple Create and Edit Page Template | Oracle Redwood
Configure General Drawer Template in Oracle Redwood
How to Customize the Lock Screen in Oracle Visual Builder
Merging two CSV files into a single file in Oracle Integration