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Observability (Run-Time Monitoring) in Oracle Integration

Observability (Run-Time Monitoring) in Oracle Integration

Oracle Integration has many built-in dashboards that provide real-time insights into your runtime integration and help understand exactly how many messages were received/succeeded/errored, etc.

Oracle Integration-3 monitoring has been improved significantly and helps you to understand step-by-step activity which has been executed at what date and time.

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The Monitoring dashboard known as Observability has the following features:

  • A unified dashboard helps you to see the failure rate, #of successful instances, #of failed instances, and much more
  • Explore each message activity stream step by step, see the failure points, and dig down the performance issues.
  • Manage your errors, resubmit the failed messages, track the agent status, and more.

The following are various out-of-the-box pages that give offer the runtime and design time metrics:

Observability – Dashboard

A high-level view of all your runtime integrations that depicts the error rate, # of active integrations, # of success integrations, and much more.  

Observability – Integrations

Depicts processing information about the # of messages received, # of messages processed, # of successful messages, # of failed messages, and # of aborted messages.

Observability – Agents

Monitor the status of Agents – Available or Unavailable.

Observability – Instances

Filter and track the status of integration instances using business identifiers.

Observability – Errors

Observability – Future Runs

A calendar that depicts the future runs of your scheduled integration:

Look at the following video to know more about Observability in Oracle Integration-3


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Further readings:

Place the file in ATP from BIP using OIC

Place the file in Object Storage from BIP using OIC

How to write files using an OIC FTP adapter

Read files from Object Storage in Oracle Integration

Access Object Storage from Oracle Integration

FTP adapter in Oracle Integration Cloud(OIC)

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