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Create an XML file in Oracle Integration Cloud

In the previous article, I have showcased how to read XML files using FTP adapter. This article will show how to create XML files using FTP adapter.

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Use Case: Expose a REST API which will write XML file on FTP.

Post this blog, below XML file will be created on FTP location

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″ ?>

Let’s see how to achieve this use case

  • Create a FTP connection: Please go through the article to see how to create FTP connection
  • Create a REST connection. Please go through the article to see how to create REST connection
  • Go the the Integrations and click on the Create button from the upper right coner and select “App Driven Orchestration
  • Enter the Integration name as “WriteXMLFile” and click on the Create button.
  • Select inline drag REST connection on the Integration canvas as a Trigger point
  • Enter below information and click on the Next button
    • Name of the end point: WriteXML
  • Enter below information and click on the Next button
    • What is the endpoint’s relative resource URI: /create
    • What action do you want to perform on the endpoint: POST
    • Select Configure a request payload for this endpoint checkbox- This option allows us to assign payload in the next step

Write XML file in OIC

  • Select JSON Sample from the Select the request payload format drop down and then Select <<<inline>>> link to configure sample payload and enter below payload
REST Adapter in OIC
  • Click Done button from the Next Screen to complete the wizard
  • Drop FTP connection just below the REST adapter

FTP adapter in OIC

  • Enter the endpoint name as “WriteXMLFile” and click on the Next button
  • Enter below information and click on the Next button
    • Select Operation: Write File
    • Select a Transfer mode: ASCII
    • Output Directory: Enter the directory as /home/opc/target
    • File Name Pattern: Enter employee.xml

Write XML in OIC

  • Select “Yes” from Do you want to specify the structure for the content o the file? and select “XML schema (XSD) document from the drop down.

Write XML file in OIC

  • Save below xsd in file and browse
<xs:schema attributeFormDefault=”unqualified” elementFormDefault=”qualified” xmlns:xs=”http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema”>
  <xs:element name=”employees”>
        <xs:element name=”employee” maxOccurs=”unbounded” minOccurs=”0″>
              <xs:element type=”xs:string” name=”name”/>
              <xs:element type=”xs:string” name=”skills”/>

Write XML file in OIC

  • Click Done on Next screen to finish the wizard
  • Edit the WriteXMLFile mapper and map source and target element

Write XML file in OIC

  • Required configuration has been completed. Let’s save, close and activiate the integratoin now.
  • Test the Integration using the inbuit tool by clicking on the Run icon and click on Test

TEST OIC integration

  • Open the FTP location and see the employee.xml should be created
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