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Create custom filters in Oracle APEX

Interactive Grid in Oracle APEX provides out-of-the-box features to search and filter data based on the various parameters. But sometimes, instead of using the OOTB filters, you need to create custom filters in Oracle APEX to meet your business requirements.

So, with the help of Dynamic Actions in Oracle APEX, you can create custom filters and filter the data based on your filter values.

As per the above, screenshot, you see I have created a page that has two List Of Values (LOV) which can be used to filter data based on employee address and Qualification.

To meet this requirement, I have created a nice short video that will help you to understand the step-by-step procedure to create custom filters in Oracle APEX.

Click on the below link and see the complete video on this requirement.

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Further readings:

How to create an Oracle APEX service

Insert data into a table using SQL in Oracle APEX

Form region to insert a record into a table in Oracle APEX

Master-Detail Page in Oracle APEX

Cascading List of Values in Oracle APEX

Oracle APEX Interactive Grid with CRUD operation

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