Comma separated values in SQL Query Data Set in Oracle BI
This tutorial will show how to pass comma-separated parameter values in SQL Query Data Set in Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.
Use case: Let’s say we have an integration that invokes a BIP report. The integration will pass comma/pipe-separated values to the BIP report and expects a response from the BIP query.
The following query is written to handle the comma-separated values that are passed as a parameter:
select TRX_NUMBER, TRX_DATE, CREATION_DATE from RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL where TRX_NUMBER in ( select regexp_substr(upper(:p_TRX_NUMBER),'[^,]+', 1, level) from dual connect by regexp_substr(upper(:p_TRX_NUMBER), '[^,]+', 1, level) is not null )
When we run this query in Oracle Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher and pass 1001,1002,1003,1044,1045 as the parameter values we see the output as follows:
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Further Readings
Parameterized SQL Query Data Set in Oracle BI
How to create SQL based Data Set in Oracle Business Intelligence
Parameterized SQL Query Data Set in Oracle Business Intelligence