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Generate Unique value in OSB

The function fn-bea:uuid() returns a universally unique identifier. The function has the following signature:

 fn-bea:uuid() as xs:string

You can use this function in the proxy pipeline to generate a unique identifier. You can insert the generated unique identifier into an XML document as an element.

For example, suppose you want to generate a unique identifier to add to a message for tracking purposes. You could use this function to generate a unique identifier.

Let’s look an simple example:

Drop an Assign activity anywhere in the pipeline and add the expression:

Run the pipeline directly and see the output of the Assign activity:

Every time you run the pipeline, a unique value will get generate.

That’s it !!

Some Toughts (3)

  1. added on 12 Mar, 2018

    Why not use the internal messageID variable?

  2. added on 9 Apr, 2019

    I got the unique Id but not getting message reports based on this Id.
    And Why not use the internal messageID variable?
    Please suggest.

  3. added on 18 Jul, 2019

    Thanks for sharingcustom erp solutions

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