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Create users and groups in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Create users and groups in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

In this article, we’ll show how to create users and groups in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).

Users in OCI

You can create various types of users in OCI depending on its role and responsibilities. Users are created under Identity Domain.

You can manage the complete life cycle of users such as creation, deletion, de-activation, etc using Identity Domain.

A user account goes through various stages in the life cycle. The stages are non-existent, deactivated, activated, and deleted.

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Groups in OCI

A group in OCI is a set of users with the same role and responsibilities. A group has no permissions until you do one of the following:

  • Write at least one policy that gives that group permission to either the tenancy or a compartment.
  • Assign the group to an application


    How to create users and Groups in OCI

    Users and Groups creation are straightforward but you must have relevant access to create them in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

    Look at the following video to know how to create users and groups step by step:

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    Further Readings

    The compartments in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

    How to create policies in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

    How to Create Virtual Cloud Network in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure