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Salesforce Adapter in Oracle ICS(Integration Cloud Service)

The Salesforce Adapter in Oracle ICS enables you to create an integration with Salesforce CRM applications. The Salesforce adapter provides the following benefits:

  • Integrates easily with the Salesforce application’s WSDL file to produce a simplified, integration-centric WSDL.
  • Contacts the Salesforce application to fetch metadata information about business objects.
  • Provides invoke (outbound) support for using a custom WSDL that includes custom Apex classes exposed as SOAP web services.
  • Provides trigger (source) messaging support for objects through the use of the Salesforce outbound messaging WSDL.
  • Callback support in trigger callback.
  • Provide invoke support for CRUD (create, get, update, and destroy) operations
  • Provide invoke support for Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL) or Salesforce Object Search Language (SOSL) query operations

Some useful links

  • Salesforce account credentials
  • Salesforce Enterprise WSDL
Steps to generate the Enterprise WSDL:
  • Login into the SFDC
  • Click on the Username from the upper right corner
  • Enter API from search box and Select API
  • Click on Generate Enterprise WSDL
  • Click on the Generate button
  • Save WSDL

Now we have SFDC Enterprise WSDL in place. Let’s create Saleforce Connection in ICS.

Steps to create an Salesforce connection

  • Login into the ICS
  • Click on the Connection
  • Click on the Create button
  • Search Salesforce and Select Salesforce
  • Enter Name and select Trigger/Invoke as a Role basis on your requirement and Click Create button
  • Select Configure Connectivity button. Select the enterprise WSDL which we have saved in the above steps and click OK
  • Click Configure Security button, and enter SFDC Username and password and click OK button
  • Click on the Test button and Validate and Test button from the popup
  • If everything goes fine then progress goes to 100% as shown in the below screenshot
  • Click Save and Close button
Now Salesforce connection is ready to be used in Integration.

Some Toughts (5)

  1. added on 14 Jul, 2017

    Nowadays, most of the businesses rely on cloud based CRM tool to power their business process. They want to access the business from anywhere and anytime.
    salesforce integration

  2. added on 19 Jan, 2018

    Thanks for sharing. keep sharing…
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  4. added on 19 Oct, 2018
  5. added on 18 Jul, 2019

    Thankyou for sharingerp software companies

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