Update OIC Integration Trigger Name After Creating the Integration
In this article, I’ll demonstrate how we can update the OIC integration trigger name once the integration build is completed.
Once we provide a name to the REST trigger and it is configured OIC does not allow us to update the name in the edit mode. So there is no way that while editing an integration we can update the trigger name of that integration.
The below points explain the step-by-step process of how we can update the trigger name of the OIC integration:
- Export the OIC integration integration.
- Rename the integration extension from .iar to .zip
- Double-click on this zip file and open it using any zip extractor like WinZip and navigate to Icspackage > project > MY_INTG_01.00.0000
- Edit the project.xml file in Notepad and search with the trigger name present in your integration trigger <name>MY_TRIG_001</name>
- Replace this with the required trigger name.
- Click on Save
- Close the zip extractor tool, rename the file extension back to .iar from .zip and upload the integration.
Further Readings
How to create a BIP report in Oracle SaaS
How to create and test custom ESS job in Oracle SaaS
Merging two CSV files into a single file in Oracle Integration
ERP Integration using File Based Data Import: Oracle Integration